

온실가스감축 외부사업 (CDM Business)

External project for greenhouse gas reduction (CDM Business)

CDM Business

External project for greenhouse gas reduction

HFCs Refrigerant, an alternative of CFCs refrigerants, which were the main cause
of ozone depletion, has a significant impact on global warming.

HFCs Refrigerant, an alternative of CFCs refrigerants, which were the main cause of ozone depletion, has a significant impact on global warming.

  • ·Business sector | Recovering and reclaiming the HFCs-134a waste refrigerants remained in a non-rechargeable cylinder.
  • ·Annual average reduction of greenhouse gas emissions | 32,061 tCO2-eq/yr
  • ·Project Participants | OUNR2TECH Co., Ltd., Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd. SK Incheon Petrochem Co., Ltd.
  • ·Business Methodology identification number | 13A-006-Ver01
Non-Rechargeable Disposable Refrigerant Cylinder Recovery Request

Non-Rechargeable Disposable Refrigerant Cylinder Recovery Treatment

Unlike multi-use refrigerant cylinders that needs to conduct regular cylinder inspection,
non-rechargeable disposable refrigerant cylinders shall be consigned to a company
which has obtained permission for general or business waste treatment to recover residual gas completely.
Upon request, we will collect the remaining refrigerants anywhere in the country
and treat them in an environmental, safe way

Unlike multi-use refrigerant cylinders that needs to conduct regular cylinder inspection, non-rechargeable disposable refrigerant cylinders shall be consigned to a company which has obtained permission for general or business waste treatment to recover residual gas completely. Upon request, we will collect the remaining refrigerants anywhere in the country and treat them in an environmental, safe way.

Consignment Processing Method

  • 1. Install the Google Play App
  • 2. Click on 'Request for Recovery Processing' at the bottom of the homepage
  • 3. 1544-3912 Call 054-262-9880
Disposable Refrigerant Cylinder Discharge Request

Application Manual


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Consignment Program Manual